Portable Shockwave Cryotherapy Body Contouring Machines for Sale

This Body Contouring Machines for Sale is a portable, cutting-edge solution for body contouring and cellulite reduction. It combines cryolipolysis, electroporation, and shock wave therapy, offering a non-invasive and multifunctional approach to achieve quicker, more effective, and long-lasting clinical outcomes.

Model: LM-S500U-2 Category:

Product Details

Body Contouring Machines for Sale

·Product Introduction:

Our OSANO CRIOSHOCK, Body Contouring Machines for Sale is a revolutionary DIY shockwave therapy machine that provides three times faster results, with up to 6.8 cm circumference reduction and an impressive 40% to 60% fat reduction per treatment. The unique combination of treatments enables monthly cryolipolysis sessions and body contouring results in half the time. The non invasive body sculpting machine features E-CRYO pads, ensuring comfortable cooling treatment without the side effects of traditional vacuum cryolipolysis methods, such as edemas, bruising, and skin irritation.

In addition, the electroporation technology stimulates the body’s bio-electrical process, creating muscle contractions, improving blood circulation, and enhancing metabolism during cryolipolysis. The shockwave frequency of 1-21Hz and pressure of 60-185mj, with a minimum of 2.000.000 shocks, and EMS frequency of 4000Hz, combined with a temperature range of 45 ℃ to -10 ℃ and 3 kinds of waveform, make this non invasive body contouring machine an advanced, efficient, and versatile solution for weight loss, cellulite reduction, and overall body contouring.

Shockwave Frequency  1-21Hz
 Pressure  60-185mj
 Shocks  Minimum 2.000.000
 EMS Frequency  4000Hz
 Temperature  45 ℃  to  -10 ℃
 E -CRYO pad  4 Pieces
 Waveform  3  Kinds

A diagram displaying the various New Portable Electromagnetic Shockwave Cryotherapy DIY Shockwave Therapy Machine techniques.

A diagram showing how to use the New Portable Electromagnetic Shockwave Cryotherapy DIY Shockwave Therapy Machine.

The shockwave therapy system delivers mechanical action to blood circulation, collagen structure, and connective tissue, effectively addressing the clinical needs of anti-cellulite therapy and other aesthetic treatments. When combined with E-CRYO pads, full fat reduction is achieved in just two weeks, and cellulite improvement becomes evident.

New Portable Electromagnetic Shockwave Cryotherapy DIY Shockwave Therapy Machine.

·Accessories and Details of the Product

A diagram showcasing the various components of a New Portable Electromagnetic Shockwave Cryotherapy DIY Shockwave Therapy Machine.

· The Treatment Process:

A woman is lying on a bed with the New Portable Electromagnetic Shockwave Cryotherapy DIY Shockwave Therapy Machine attached to it.

· Before and After:

A before and after image of a laser treatment using the New Portable Electromagnetic Shockwave Cryotherapy DIY Shockwave Therapy Machine.

A before and after image of a laser treatment using the New Portable Electromagnetic Shockwave Cryotherapy DIY Shockwave Therapy Machine.

· Customer Review:

A group of whatsapp messages showing a woman's stomach while discussing the New Portable Electromagnetic Shockwave Cryotherapy DIY Shockwave Therapy Machine.

·Why choose Osano?

Choose our professional body contouring machine for faster results and a wide range of applications, making it your ultimate choice in the aesthetic industry. It’s an advanced, efficient, and versatile solution for weight loss, cellulite reduction, and overall body contouring. With its unique combination of treatments and advanced features, it’s the perfect choice for anyone looking to achieve their aesthetic goals safely and effectively.  Simply send us your customer contact form to get started. With our top-of-the-line equipment, you can provide your clients with the best possible treatments for their body contouring needs.


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